Wednesday, 7 October 2020


I have been given the long loan of a printing press and I am really enjoying exploring different possibilities with using it as part of my practice.

Exploring the theme of memories by printing on different surfaces and developing some of the themes in my current work.

Using various techniques here including Lino printing and drypoint etching.

The drypoint etching is particularly pleasing to do as here I have used a pvc sheet to trace a drawing using a stylus straight onto the plate. You then use the traditional techniques of applying ink and printing onto slightly dampened paper.

Lino print Rose, printed using two different lino plates onto brown parcel paper.

Collograph printing from a dried rose

Rose printing onto a book page

3 colour lino print using 3 plates

a washing line production

3 plates again but using different colour combinations.

Again printing onto an old book page

Just using two plates this time

Again onto an old book

Dry point etching of the Little Dutch Girl Pelham Puppet.

Printing press

Printing press set up

Collographs on the line

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