Sunday 16 December 2012

Ceramic Figures

I have recently been working on these ceramics using a buff clay and a terracotta. The terracotta is based on a life drawing whereas the buff clay model is just from imagination.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Pen and ink drawings. (Poppy)

I made these sketches of our Bedlington Terrier, Poppy, when she was a young pup. 

She unfortunately died in May this year of a liver complaint that the breed is prone to. We still feel so sad that we have lost such a lovely little character. 

So I thought I would celebrate her life a little by putting these drawings on my blog. 

I drew them in a small sketchbook using a Waverly pen and Quink.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

20 minute acrylic sketches

These paintings were done in one session where we did 3 20 minute sketches. Good discipline but it left me wishing I had more time to work into them.

I had prepared some cardboard with the dragged backgrounds first. I quite like working onto a coloured ground just to lose all that virgin space first.

They are quite small, just 20cm the largest dimension.

Pastel Portraits

This drawing was done earlier this year at the class. The model was wearing the red and white striped robe so we asked for her to keep it on as a challenge.

I used Conte pastels on Murano paper.

This model always keeps her hair in a turban or wrap so it is always a big part of the drawing. 

Here I just used a black conte on a toned Murano paper.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Pastel Portraits

I haven't posted a blog for a while but work has been soooo busy. 

Holidays now though, so I should get some art finished and blog some work as it progresses.

I have some carvings on the go at the moment so I shall try to get going on them as soon as possible.

For now, here are a couple of new pastel drawings.
Monica is a lot more cheerful than I have made her look here.
 It is difficult to get Peter's eyes correct as he has quite deep set eyes and you can't really see his pupils.
This is a better one of Peter, I have framed it hence my reflection in the glass, sorry! I have put this one into an art exhibition that is part of the celebrations of St. Andrews URC, Monkseaton 80 years celebrations. I think I have caught his character better here. He always cheers us up after a class by singing to us in a lovely tenor voice!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Not such a good photo of this drawing, it's still unfinished on the hands- I must work quicker next time.

Not my best pastel drawing, proportions a bit wrong here and there, something to work into at a later date maybe.

Life class, Jan 2012

Using soft pastels on coloured paper I tried to represent the character of the sitter.