Sunday, 22 July 2012

Pastel Portraits

I haven't posted a blog for a while but work has been soooo busy. 

Holidays now though, so I should get some art finished and blog some work as it progresses.

I have some carvings on the go at the moment so I shall try to get going on them as soon as possible.

For now, here are a couple of new pastel drawings.
Monica is a lot more cheerful than I have made her look here.
 It is difficult to get Peter's eyes correct as he has quite deep set eyes and you can't really see his pupils.
This is a better one of Peter, I have framed it hence my reflection in the glass, sorry! I have put this one into an art exhibition that is part of the celebrations of St. Andrews URC, Monkseaton 80 years celebrations. I think I have caught his character better here. He always cheers us up after a class by singing to us in a lovely tenor voice!

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